Type conversion

As mentioned in the previous section, ocaml-rs automates the conversion between Rust and OCaml representations for many types. This is done using two traits: ToValue, which is implemented for types that can be converted to an OCaml value and FromValue for types that can be converted from an OCaml value.

Below is a list of types that implement these traits in ocaml-rs and their corresponding OCaml type:

Rust typeOCaml type
Option<A>'a option
Result<A, ocaml::Error>'a or exception
Result<A, B>('a, 'b) Result.t
(A, B, C)'a * 'b * 'c
&[Value]'a array (no copy)
Vec<A>, &[A]'a array
BTreeMap<A, B>('a, 'b) list
LinkedList<A>'a list
Seq<A>'a Seq.t

NOTE: Even though &[Value] is specifically marked as no copy, any type like Option<Value> would also qualify since the inner value is not converted to a Rust type. However, Option<String> will do full unmarshaling into Rust types. Another thing to note: FromValue for str and &[u8] is zero-copy, however ToValue for str and &[u8] creates a new value - this is necessary to ensure the string is registered with the OCaml runtime.

If you're concerned with minimizing allocations/conversions you should use Value type directly.

Implementing ToValue and FromValue

The ToValue trait has a single function, to_value which takes a reference to self, a reference to [Runtime] and returns a Value and FromValue has from_value, which takes a Value and returns Self:

fn main() {
extern crate ocaml;

pub struct MyType(i32);

unsafe impl ocaml::ToValue for MyType {
  fn to_value(&self, _gc: &ocaml::Runtime) -> ocaml::Value {
    unsafe { ocaml::Value::int32(self.0) }

unsafe impl ocaml::FromValue for MyType {
  fn from_value(value: ocaml::Value) -> MyType {
    unsafe { MyType(value.int32_val()) }

This can also be accomplished using the derive macros:

fn main() {
extern crate ocaml;

#[derive(ocaml::ToValue, ocaml::FromValue)]
pub struct MyType(i32);

derive(ToValue, FromValue) will work on any struct or enum that are comprised of types that also implement ToValue and FromValue

Types that work directly on OCaml values

There are several types that work directly on OCaml values, these don't perform any copies when converting to and from Value.

Rust typeOCaml type
ocaml::Array<T>'a array
ocaml::List<T>'a list
ocaml::Seq<T>'a Seq.t
ocaml::bigarray::Array1<T>('a, 'b, c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
ocaml::bigarray::Array2<T>('a, 'b, c_layout) Bigarray.Array2.t
ocaml::bigarray::Array3<T>('a, 'b, c_layout) Bigarray.Array3.t

Wrapping Rust values

Rust values can be used as opaque values that can be shared with OCaml using ocaml::Pointer. The Pointer type allows for Rust values to be allocated using the OCaml runtime, this means their lifetime will be handled by the garbage collector. Pointer::alloc_final is used to move an existing Rust type into an OCaml allocated pointer, but even better is the option to implement the Custom trait for your type.

Implementing Custom allows you to define equality/comparison, finalization, hashing and serialization functions for your type that will be used by OCaml. When allocating custom values you should use Pointer::from or Pointer::alloc_custom.

In either case you will need to write the allocation function in Rust because OCaml doesn't know the specifics about the layout or contents of these types, unlike when using FromValue or ToValue. Pointer should primarily be used on Rust values that cannot be converted directly to OCaml types.

fn main() {
extern crate ocaml;

#[ocaml::sig]   // Creates an opaque type on the OCaml side
pub struct MyType {
  a: i32,
  b: f64,
  c: std::fs::File, // This can't be converted to an OCaml value


#[ocaml::sig("my_type -> float")]
pub unsafe fn my_type_add_a_b(t: &MyType) -> f64 {
  t.a as f64 + t.b

NOTE: In this example the Rust type MyType has automatically been renamed to my_type in OCaml.

Also in this example, the default finalizer is used - this will call Pointer::drop_in_place to call drop on the Rust side before freeing the memory on the OCaml heap. If you add your own finalize implementation you should make sure to call Pointer::drop_in_place any time the underlying Rust value contains dynamically allocated values, like std::fs::File in the example above.

Now that you have some insight into how type conversion is handled, the next section will cover more details about writing OCaml functions in Rust.